Мазмунга өтүү


Wiktionary дан

Documentation for this module may be created at Модуль:languages/data/3/l/extra/doc

local m = {}

m["laa"] = {

m["lab"] = {

m["lac"] = {
	otherNames = {"Jach t’aan", "Hach t’an"},

m["lad"] = {
	aliases = {"Judaeo-Spanish", "Judæo-Spanish", "Judeo-Spanish"},

m["lae"] = {

m["laf"] = {

m["lag"] = {

m["lah"] = {
	otherNames = {"Western Punjabi"},

m["lai"] = {

m["laj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lango", "Leb Lango"}, -- the last, though listed in Ethnologue, is not a name but rather the phrase "Lango language"

m["lak"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lau Laka", "Laka (Nigeria)"},

m["lam"] = {

m["lan"] = {

m["lap"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kabba Laka", "Laka (Chad)", "Laka"},

m["laq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Laqua"},

m["lar"] = {

m["las"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lama (West Africa)", "Lama (Togo)", "Lama"}, -- contrast 'lay', "Tibeto-Burman Lama"

m["lau"] = {

m["law"] = {

m["lax"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lalung"},

m["lay"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lama", "Laemae", "Lama (Southeast Asia)", "Lama (Burma)", "Lama (Myanmar)"},

m["laz"] = {

m["lbb"] = {

m["lbc"] = {
	aliases = {"Lakkja"},

m["lbe"] = {

m["lbf"] = {

m["lbg"] = {

m["lbi"] = {

m["lbj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bhoti"},

m["lbk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Central Bontok", "Igorot Bontoc", "Igorot Bontok", "Bontok Igorot", "Bontoc", "Bontok", "Finallig"},

m["lbl"] = {

m["lbm"] = {

m["lbn"] = {

m["lbo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Loven", "Boloven", "Jru'", "Jruq", "Jru", "Boriwen", "Jaru", "Lawen", "Laweenjru"},

m["lbq"] = {

m["lbr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Northern Lohorung"},

m["lbs"] = {

m["lbt"] = {

m["lbu"] = {

m["lbv"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lavatbura", "Lamusong", "Lamasong"},

m["lbw"] = {

m["lbx"] = {

m["lby"] = {

m["lbz"] = {
	otherNames = {"Leerdil", "Leertil", "Damin", "Demiin"},

m["lcc"] = {

m["lcd"] = {

m["lce"] = {

m["lcf"] = {

m["lch"] = {

m["lcl"] = {

m["lcm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lavongai", "Tungak"},

m["lcp"] = {

m["lcq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Piru"},

m["lcs"] = {

m["lda"] = {

m["ldb"] = {

m["ldd"] = {

m["ldg"] = {

m["ldh"] = {

m["ldj"] = {

m["ldk"] = {

m["ldl"] = {

m["ldm"] = {

m["ldn"] = {

m["ldo"] = {

m["ldp"] = {

m["ldq"] = {

m["lea"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lega-Malinga", "Lega Malinga", "Lega Shabunda", "Shabunda Lega", "Upper Lega", "Lower Lega", "Forest Lega", "Western Lega", "Southern Lega", "Liga", "Kiliga", "Lega", "Kilega", "KiLega", "Kanu", "Kikanu", "Gala", "Kigala", "Yoma", "Kiyoma", "Sede", "Kisede", "Gonzabale", "Beya", "Beia", "Nyamunsange", "KiNyamunsange", "Banagabo", "Kabango", "Bene"},

m["leb"] = {

m["lec"] = {

m["led"] = {

m["lee"] = {

m["lef"] = {

m["leh"] = {

m["lei"] = {

m["lej"] = {

m["lek"] = {

m["lel"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bashilele", "Lele (Democratic Republic of the Congo)", "Lele", "Usilele"},

m["lem"] = {

m["len"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lenca", "Lencan"},

m["leo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Leti"}, -- Ethnologue says this secret language has never had native speakers or been written

m["lep"] = {

m["leq"] = {

m["ler"] = {

m["les"] = {

m["let"] = {

m["leu"] = {
	otherNames = {"Kara (Papua New Guinea)", "Kara", "Lemakot"},

m["lev"] = {

m["lew"] = { -- this code was basically assigned as a catch-all for things that aren't brs, kzf or unz
	otherNames = {"Rai", "Tara", "Ta'a", "Taa", "Central Kaili", "East Kaili", "Ledo", "Edo", "Ado", "Doi", "Ija", "Tawaili", "Palu", "Parigi", "Sigi"},

m["lex"] = {

m["ley"] = {

m["lez"] = {
	aliases = {"Lezgian", "Lezgin"},

m["lfa"] = {

m["lfn"] = {

m["lga"] = {

m["lgb"] = {

m["lgg"] = {

m["lgh"] = {
	otherNames = {"Xá Phó", "Phù Lá Lão"},

m["lgi"] = {

m["lgk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lingarak"},

m["lgl"] = {

m["lgm"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lega-Ntara", "Lega Ntara", "Lega Mwenga", "Mwenga Lega", "Lower Lega", "Upper Lega", "Eastern Lega", "Northern Lega", "Isile", "Ishile", "Kisile", "Mwenda-Liga"},

m["lgn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Opo", "Opuo", "Opo-Shita", "Shita", "Shiita", "Cita", "Ciita", "Ansita", "Kina", "Kwina", "T'apo"},

m["lgq"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ikpana"},

m["lgr"] = {

m["lgs"] = {

m["lgt"] = {

m["lgu"] = {

m["lgz"] = {

m["lha"] = {
	otherNames = {"Laha", "La Ha"},

m["lhh"] = {
	otherNames = {"Laha", "Central Ambon"},

m["lhi"] = {

m["lhl"] = {

m["lhn"] = {

m["lhp"] = {

m["lhs"] = {

m["lht"] = {

m["lhu"] = {

m["lia"] = {

m["lib"] = {

m["lic"] = {
	otherNames = {"Bouhin", "Heitu", "Ha Em", "Zhongsha", "Lauhut", "Baoding", "Tongzha", "Tongshi", "Zandui", "Baoting", "Nadou", "Dongfang", "Changjiang", "Moyjaw", "Xifang", "Baisha", "Yuanmen"}, -- some of these may need to be split off as languages

m["lid"] = {

m["lie"] = {

m["lif"] = {

m["lig"] = {

m["lih"] = {

m["lii"] = {

m["lij"] = {

m["lik"] = {

m["lil"] = {

m["lio"] = {

m["lip"] = {

m["liq"] = {

m["lir"] = {

m["lis"] = {

m["liu"] = {

m["liv"] = {

m["liw"] = {

m["lix"] = {

m["liy"] = {

m["liz"] = {

m["lja"] = {

m["lje"] = {

m["lji"] = {

m["ljl"] = {

m["ljp"] = {

m["ljw"] = {

m["ljx"] = {

m["lka"] = {

m["lkb"] = {

m["lkc"] = {

m["lkd"] = {

m["lke"] = {

m["lkh"] = {

m["lki"] = {

m["lkj"] = {

m["lkl"] = {

m["lkm"] = {

m["lkn"] = {

m["lko"] = {

m["lkr"] = {

m["lks"] = {

m["lkt"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lakhota"},

m["lku"] = {

m["lky"] = {

m["lla"] = {

m["llb"] = {

m["llc"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lele"},

m["lld"] = {

m["lle"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lele", "Lele (New Guinea)", "Lele Hai"},

m["llf"] = {

m["llg"] = {

m["llh"] = {

m["lli"] = {

m["llj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ledji-Ledji"},

m["llk"] = {

m["lll"] = {

m["llm"] = {

m["lln"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lele"},

m["llo"] = {

m["llp"] = {
	otherNames = {"Efate", "Vate", "Vaté", "Nguna"},

m["llq"] = {

m["lls"] = {

m["llu"] = {

m["llx"] = {

m["lma"] = {

m["lmb"] = {

m["lmc"] = {

m["lmd"] = {

m["lme"] = {

m["lmf"] = {

m["lmg"] = {

m["lmh"] = {

m["lmi"] = {

m["lmj"] = {

m["lmk"] = {

m["lml"] = {
	otherNames = {"Hano", "Bwatvenua", "Lamalanga", "Vunmarama", "Loltong"},

m["lmn"] = {
	otherNames = {"Banjari", "Goar-boali"},

m["lmo"] = {

m["lmp"] = {

m["lmq"] = {

m["lmr"] = {

m["lmu"] = {

m["lmv"] = {

m["lmw"] = {

m["lmx"] = {

m["lmy"] = {
	aliases = {"Lamboya"},

m["lmz"] = {

m["lna"] = {

m["lnb"] = {

m["lnd"] = {

m["lnh"] = {

m["lni"] = {

m["lnj"] = {
	otherNames = {"Linngithig", "Leningitij"},

m["lnl"] = {

m["lnm"] = {

m["lnn"] = {

m["lno"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lango", "Lango (South Sudan)", "Langgo"},

m["lns"] = {

m["lnu"] = {

m["lnw"] = {

m["loa"] = {

m["lob"] = {

m["loc"] = {

m["lod"] = {
	otherNames = {"Central Berawan", "East Berawan", "West Berawan", "Long Terawan", "Batu Belah", "Long Teru", "Long Jegan", "Long Pata"},

m["loe"] = {

m["lof"] = {

m["log"] = {

m["loh"] = {

m["loi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Loma"},

m["loj"] = {

m["lok"] = {

m["lol"] = {

m["lom"] = {
	otherNames = {"Loghoma", "Looma", "Lorma"},

m["lon"] = {

m["loo"] = {

m["lop"] = {

m["loq"] = {

m["lor"] = {

m["los"] = {

m["lot"] = {

m["lou"] = {
	otherNames = {"Louisiana Creole French", "Kréyol"},

m["lov"] = {

m["low"] = {

m["lox"] = {

m["loz"] = {

m["lpa"] = {

m["lpe"] = {

m["lpn"] = {

m["lpo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lipho", "Eastern Lisu"},

m["lpx"] = {

m["lra"] = {

m["lrc"] = {

m["lre"] = {
	otherNames = {"St. Lawrence Iroquoian"},

m["lrg"] = {

m["lri"] = {

m["lrk"] = {
	otherNames = {"Gade Lohar"},

m["lrl"] = {
	otherNames = {"Achomi", "Lari", "Khodmooni"},

m["lrm"] = {

m["lrn"] = {

m["lro"] = {

m["lrr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Yamphe", "Southern Yamphe", "Yamphu", "Southern Yamphu"},

m["lrt"] = {

m["lrv"] = {
	aliases = {"Larevat"},

m["lrz"] = {

m["lsa"] = {

m["lsd"] = {
	otherNames = {"Betanure Jewish Neo-Aramaic"},

m["lse"] = {

m["lsh"] = {

m["lsi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lacid", "Lachik", "Leqi"},

m["lsl"] = {

m["lsm"] = {

m["lso"] = {
	otherNames = {"Laotian Sign Language"},

m["lsp"] = {

m["lsr"] = {
	otherNames = {"Srenge", "Sreengge","Lawu"},

m["lss"] = {

m["lst"] = {

m["lsy"] = {

m["ltc"] = {
	varieties = {"Late Middle Chinese", "Early Middle Chinese"},

m["ltg"] = {

m["ltn"] = {

m["lto"] = {

m["lts"] = {

m["ltu"] = {

m["lua"] = {
	otherNames = {"Tshiluba", "Luba"},

m["luc"] = {

m["lud"] = {
	otherNames = {"Ludic", "Lude"},

m["lue"] = {

m["luf"] = {

m["lui"] = {
	otherNames = {"Luiseno", "Juaneño", "Juaneno"},

m["luj"] = {

m["luk"] = {

m["lul"] = {

m["lum"] = {

m["lun"] = {

m["luo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Dholuo"},

m["lup"] = {

m["luq"] = {

m["lur"] = {

m["lus"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lushai", "Lushei"},

m["lut"] = {

m["luu"] = {

m["luv"] = {

m["luy"] = {

m["luz"] = {

m["lva"] = {

m["lvi"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lavi", "Lavy", "Swoeng", "Savoeng", "Saveung", "Lakwi"},

m["lvk"] = {

m["lvl"] = {
	otherNames = {"Lwal", "Kelwer"},

m["lvu"] = {

m["lwa"] = {

m["lwe"] = {

m["lwg"] = {
	otherNames = {"Oluwanga"},

m["lwh"] = {

m["lwl"] = {

m["lwm"] = {

m["lwo"] = {
	otherNames = {"Jur", "Giur"},

m["lws"] = {

m["lwt"] = {

m["lwu"] = {

m["lww"] = {

m["lya"] = {

m["lyg"] = {
	aliases = {"Lyngam"},

m["lyn"] = {

m["lzh"] = {

m["lzl"] = {

m["lzn"] = {

m["lzz"] = {

return m