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Колдонуучу:Ungoliant MMDCCLXIV

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Колдонуучулар билген тилдери боюнча жана ҝол жазмалар
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  • If you know of any book or media that is exceptionally good for learning Latin, tell me about it.

Uncitable Southern Brazilian regionalisms

  • aguento: watery (э. + э.);
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: (slang) to leave; to depart;
  • bera: beer (from Venetian э.);
  • Buriú: nickname of э.;
  • Camorão: nickname of э.;
  • carçudão: someone who wears baggy pants; (by extension) a lowlife (from carça (eye dialect of э.) + э. + э.);
  • cenzão: one hundred bucks (from э. + э. + э.);
  • cracóvia: э., a type of salami made by Polish immigrants (from э.);
  • crêndios padre / crêndios pai / crêndios: an expression of terror, awe or surprise (from Spanish э. э. э., э.);
  • cuim: tailbone, coccyx (from э. + э.);
  • Cunhepe do Judas: Bumfuck, Egypt (remote place);
  • Curita: nickname of э.;
  • de buenas: all right, OK (Hispanicisation of э.);
  • de saltar/pular os butiá(s) dos bolso(s): very exciting;
  • espirradeira: a sneezing spell (from э. + э.);
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: having a good life, having all one’s basic needs met;
  • frischtick: food taken to an event, such as a fishing trip or a picnic (from Hunsrik э., from German э.);
  • gengis khan: a type of grill consisting of a hemispherical metal top full of slits, placed over a base with the burning embers; barbecue prepared using this grill (named after Mongol emperor Gengis Khan);
  • Gorpa: nickname of э.;
  • grácie: thank you (from Venetian э.);
  • : emphatic form of э.; pronounced with a rising intonation;
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: (colloquial) very; extremely;
  • mede-mede: inchworm (reduplication of э.);
  1. REDIRECT Template:link!: expression of disapproving surprise;
  • mirde bom/bão, mirde: used as an answer to greetings equivalent to
  1. REDIRECT Template:link?, and to express gladness with the outcome of a deal (from rural pronunciation of э. э. э.);
  1. REDIRECT Template:link': to prepare a
  2. REDIRECT Template:link of maté;
  • nem os padres de Pitanga: used to sarcastically imply that someone’s denial is a lie;
  • no pau da viola: almost out of resources or material;
  1. REDIRECT Template:link;
  • Parágua: nickname of э.;
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: of poor or low quality (a reference to counterfeit goods imported from Paraguay by э.);
  • perpreto: nonstandard form of
  1. REDIRECT Template:link;
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: someone who had a sheltered life and is out of touch with the common people’s woes;
  • Prud: nickname of э.
  • serpelo: whopper;
  • tchuca, porco!: used to criticise someone for burping;
  • tchuco: tipsy, slightly drunk;
  • tchutcho: pacifier (from Venetian э.);
  • tongo: a foolish person; foolish (from Rioplatense Spanish);
  • tonguice: foolishness; a foolish act (tongo + э.);
  • tonguear: to act foolishly (tongo + э.);
  1. REDIRECT Template:link: chopping board;
  • tristonhoco: down, depressed (э. + э.);
  • vetcho, -a: old person; grandfather; old (from Venetian э.);
  • vina: hot dog sausage (from German э.).


  • (5 May 2011) Began
  • (31 July 2012) Finished.
  • Languages:
  • (5 August 2012) emptied it.
  • Expanding Portuguese entries per frequency:
    • Began: 11 August 2012.
    • 100 most common: 15 March 2013.
    • 200 most common: 13 April 2013.
    • On hold.
  • (26 November 2014) Began.
  • (2 December 2014) 500 left.
  • (4 December 2014) 250 left.
  • (6 December 2014) Done.
  • (11 March 2014) 17317 definitions behind.
  • (28 August 2015) 128 definitions ahead.
  • Began: 27 December 2014;
  • Aa: 27 December 2014;
  • Ab: 28 December 2014;
  • Ac: 31 January 2015;
  • Ad: 3 February 2015;
  • Ae: 8 February 2015;
  • Af: 10 February 2015;
  • Ag: 15 February 2015;
  • Ah: 15 February 2015;
  • Ai: 17 February 2015;
  • Aj: 17 February 2015;
  • Ak: 17 February 2015;
  • Al: 17 June 2015;
  • Am: 29 June 2015;
  • An: 6 August 2015 (you won’t believe how many words use the prefix э.);
  • Ao: 6 August 2015;
  • Ap: 10 August 2015;
  • Aq: 10 August 2015;
  • Ar: 21 August 2015.
  • Go through Peregrinaçam and add the obsolete spellings:
  • Chapter I: 18 July 2015;
  • Chapter II: 19 July 2015;
  • Chapter III: 1 August 2015;
  • Chapter IV: 3 August 2015;
  • Chapter V: 3 August 2015;
  • Chapter VI: 4 August 2015;
  • Chapter VII: 6 August 2015;
  • Chapter VIII: 6 August 2015.
  • (2 July 2015) 22559 translations behind;
  • (8 August 2015) 19449 translations behind;
  • (28 August 2015) 16919 translations behind;
  • (2 October 2015) 16710 translations behind.



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